Semper Fidelis RAM Installation
It is always a happy occasion when a new set of officers are installed and invested in any Lodge, but Semper Fidelis RAM also celebrated a wonderful year for the outgoing Commander, Alan Fairhurst, who performed to the highest standard all year, and particularly whilst installing his successor, Joe O'Brien. 
Old W Cmdr Alan Fairhurst passes on the job to Joe O'Brien
New SW Giles Berkley, with new JW David Britton
Jimmy Rogers, scribe, and Harry Cox Treasurer, hard at work
Stuart Brackstone represented our ProvGM Peter Connolly, and what a great job he did, putting us all at our ease with his friendly and welcoming manner. He commented in the meeting on the absolutely exemplary ritual performed by Alan Fairhurst, saying we would not see better anywhere. Knowing Alan as we do, we expected nothing less!
Alan Fairhurst did a fantastic job!
John Powell, Terry West & new member Stephen Leach
Stuart Brackstone representing our Rt W ProvGM
John Forster the ProvGM's Special Representative explained the Grand Lodge certificate for Terry Murtagh in perfect style. We have a new Chaplain - W Bro Stephen Leach RAMGR joined the Lodge at this meeting, and landed a not entirely unexpected job, being a man of the cloth, and being Provincial Chaplain in the Mark for Cornwall. A great acquisition!
Past & new W Cmdrs with our principal guest
Those smiles tell the whole story!
John Forster, Special Representative of the ProvGM, with Alan, Joe & Stuart
The Lodge goes from strength to strength, with another new member, Brian Dicks, being brought into the order in March - he attended the vibrant festive board, so he knows what to expect of this really welcoming Lodge. After dinner, Stuart Brackstone spoke eloquently about the Ark - having been a Naval ship builder, in a high management position, he cast doubt on the ability of the Ark to float, let alone travel to interesting slant on a biblical story. Stuart welcomed our new member Stephen Leach, with whom he shares his southern western roots, in common with new W Commander Joe O'Brien. Stuart apologised for the nuclear sub which tried to launch itself early...ask him about this when you see him!
The new Commander greets his new wardens, Giles Berkley & David Britton
Joe O'Brien shows due reverence to his Scribe, Jimmy Rogers
And also thanks him for doing a great job
Stuart also thanked the Lodge for the wonderful donation of £250 which he asked to be duly minuted. He thanked our very hard-working Scribe Jimmy Rogers, David Bell, Harry Cox and Brian Gregson for all their work, and thanked the Lodge for a wonderful evening.
Joe welcomes Jim Barnes from Prince Setanta
Stuart Brackstone entertained us royally after dinner
The festive board was brilliant!
Alan Fairhurst told us of the committed nature of Joe O'Brien, and the work he has carried out through his Masonic career, especially at Royal Oak Lodge. He also reminded us that Joe served in our Armed Forces, and visited both the Falklands and Beirut - tough assignments indeed! Alan wished Joe and his superb new team a wonderful year, and Joe responded by expressing the wish that we all keep up the standards of the Lodge during the coming year.
ADC Brian Gregson with Scribe Jimmy Rogers
Jim urges us upwards and onwards on the charity front
And Brian Gregson hands his winnings back - very generous
We all parted after a fantastic evening with great ritual, great friends, a great meal, and of course, a great Degree in Freemasonry.
New W Cmdr Joe O'Brien spoke magnificently after dinner
Steve Clarke, past Warder, gave the Warders final toast
Words and pictures by the new SW of the Lodge, Giles Berkley